Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1,
compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.
For example,
, return 6
The above elevation map is represented by array [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1]. In this case, 6 units of rain
water (blue section) are being trapped. Thanks Marcos for contributing this image!
water (blue section) are being trapped. Thanks Marcos for contributing this image!
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Method 1:
Method 1:
The index of i is sweeping from left to right. Two pointers: start and end, are used to temporally store the index of a convex. Then we do summation when the two are found. And continue until the end.....
The keys are that we need to consider all possible conditions. Three conditions should be considered in the following figure, labeled as 1~3:
If you can cover all above cases, it's not difficult to coding. Usually, it's really difficult to identify all possible cases when start to coding. Problem arises when new case appear. So lots of time were wasted on finding the cases. I don't think it's a good problem to enhance the coding ability!
Therefore, don't waste your time on this method!!
Therefore, don't waste your time on this method!!
Method 2:
Another smarter method is:
1. find out the index of largest item
2. for left part of the index, the trapped water for each unit depends on the left highest item.
3. for right part of the index, the trapped water for each unit depends on the right highest item.
see figure below:
The logic is simple and don't need to consider so many cases in method 1. So, strategy is much more important than coding itself!!
method 1:
//codes 8ms
class Solution {
int trap(vector<int>& height) {
int start = 0, end = -1;
int sFlag = 0, sum = 0;
//check input
if (height.size()<3)return 0;
//sweep i from left to right
for (int i = 1; i<height.size(); i++){
//identify start and end
if (sFlag == 0 && height[i]<height[i - 1]){
= i - 1;
= 1;
else if (sFlag == 1 && end == -1)end
= height[i] > height[i - 1] ? i : -1;
//case 1
else if (sFlag == 1 && end !=-1)end
= height[i] > height[end] ? i : end;
//identify when to do summation
if (sFlag==1 && end!=-1){
if (height[end] >= height[start] || (i == height.size() - 1 ))
int tmp = height[start] > height[end] ? height[end] : height[start];//choose the lower lever
for (int j = start+1; j<end; j++){
int sTmp = (tmp - height[j]) > 0 ? (tmp - height[j]) : 0;//case 2: prevent negtive value
+= sTmp;
//case 3
if (i == height.size() - 1 && end != height.size() - 1){
= end - 1;
= 0;
= -1;
return sum;
method 2
//function of finding the highest value in ...
int findHighest(int left, int right, vector<int>& height){
int maxH=0;
for (int i=left;i<=right;i++){
return maxH;
int trap(vector<int>& height) {
//corner case
if (height.size()<3)return 0;
//find the highest point
int hMax=height[0], idx=0;
for (int i=0;i<height.size();i++){
if (height[i]>hMax) {hMax=height[i]; idx=i;}
int sum=0, maxTmp=height[0];
//for left part
for (int i=1;i<idx;i++){
if (height[i]>maxTmp){
sum=maxTmp-height[i] >0 ?sum+maxTmp-height[i]:sum;
//for right part
for (int i=height.size()-1;i>idx;i--){
if (height[i]>maxTmp){
sum=maxTmp-height[i] >0 ?sum+maxTmp-height[i]:sum;
//for left part
int sum=0;
for (int l=idx-1;l>0;l--){
int tmpMax=findHighest(0,l,height);
sum=tmpMax-height[l] >0 ?sum+tmpMax-height[l]:sum;
//for right part
for (int r=idx+1;r<height.size();r++){
int tmpMax=findHighest(r,height.size()-1,height);
sum=tmpMax-height[r] >0 ?sum+tmpMax-height[r]:sum;
return sum;
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